Sunday, 12 July 2015

Windsong Alphabet

I love the extra flourish of this font.

The original font has very big flourish loops especially on some of the lower case letters.

For example: the “h” is way taller than the average Capital letter, and the lowercase “g” has an amazingly big loop. If you wanted to do the word “Change” you would need a really big hoop
(The word is 5.27” high and 6.26” wide)

I decided to digitize smaller versions of the letters for those who don't like the extra big letters or who don't have a larger hoop and don't want to keep rehooping. Using the smaller “h” and “g” the word change is now 3.62” high.

Here are the 2 versions of the lowercase letters I digitized

The free trial word for this alphabet is Joy

Amadeus Alphabet

I found this great font - a little bit like Jokerman - but not so overused.  I decided it would make a great basis for my next alphabet.

Digitizing for this one was pretty straight forward - not too many changes after I digitized it.
(So hopefully that means I'm getting better)

My biggest issue was that somewhere along the line - my 8" x 12" hoop developed a problem - there is a sticky strip on the back that has come unglued.   (This reminds me - I really need to find out what Babylock intends to do about that!)

Luckily - this font is a bit smaller than some of my others - so I was able to test easily using my 8x8 and 5x7 hoops

These are the results:  Capital letters in the 8x8 hoop

I did make a few changes after the first stitch out - fixing the small purple lines - and changing the way the N looks.

lowercase letters in the 5x7 hoop

For the free Trial samples - I decided to give you 2 words

If you haven`t already, visit my Craftsy store and get the free trial of this alphabet.